Great, but...
The animation was Great and so was the music, but your animation style is almost identical in some places to Vinnie Veritas, good job if you were going for his style, especially when that guy on the roof was hit against the wall.
Great, but...
The animation was Great and so was the music, but your animation style is almost identical in some places to Vinnie Veritas, good job if you were going for his style, especially when that guy on the roof was hit against the wall.
I really liked this, you are really good at this but theres a glitch, the music doesnt stop when its done!
This is amazing.
How does it feel to have made the #1 flash of all time?
Funny... O_o
GOD DAMN, if that city existed i'd be on the first fucken blimp to it, I hope you make more flash like this.
Hells yea
That was some off the best "random flashes" ive seen
thanks alot lol
good graphics, but goddamn, little red is stupid as balls and deserved it.
so did her mom because dat biatch dun stoopadz.
A little repeditive, dont you think?
I was okay. but its a rip off of super mario bloopers. It was also slow, with to many unfunny scenes.And the same thing kept on happening over and over again.
This.... is... the true meaning of art. I cant find anything else to say. wow.
Age 30, Male
Unemployed Bum
Me Fail English
Joined on 8/10/05